Aarogyasri Self e-KYC in Mobile and Website in Telangana State  -  A Step-by-Step Guide: Aarogyasri is a government-sponsored health insurance scheme in the Indian state of Telangana. It provides financial assistance to eligible beneficiaries for medical expenses. However, no specific mention of an "E KYC" process related to Aarogyasri in Telangana existed.

Aarogyasri e-KYC in Mobile and Website

Please note that government schemes and processes can change over time, and new features or procedures may have been introduced since my last update. This article will be helpful for those who have Aarogyasri in Telangana state to get the most up-to-date information on Aarogyasri and any related E-KYC processes.

Steps to Complete E-KYC for Aarogyasri in Telangana

Step 1) Visit the Official Website of the National Health Authority: https://beneficiary.nha.gov.in/
Step 2) Select "Beneficiary" and Enter your mobile number. Click "Verify." You will receive an OTP to your mobile number; enter it and validate the OTP. Enter the captcha that has been shown and click on the "Login" button.
Step 3) After login, the dashboard will open on the screen. Select " State", "scheme", "District", and "Search By" from the drop-down list which is shown.

Note: If you don't have a Family ID (or) State ID, select Aadhaar Number and Enter your Aadhaar number.

Step 4) After entering your Aadhaar Number, Click on the "Search" Icon. Your list will then be displayed on the screen.
Step 5) The family ration card member list will be displayed on the screen. You can check the "EKYC" status on this list. If you have the "not verified" status, just verify by clicking under the status icon.
Step 6) When you click on "Verify", the Aadhaar Authentication pop-up box will be displayed on the screen by entering your Aadhaar Number, you will get OTP to your mobile number.
Step 7)  After Aadhaar Aunthecation, it redirected to the "Beneficary Page".Select a member from the list to do "EKYC." Select EKYC Mode through Aadhaar OTP (or) Finger Print (or)  IRIS Scan. 
Step 8) Select "Aadhaar OTP" mode because this is a simple verification method. Then, enter your "Aadhaar number," and you will receive an OTP on your mobile number. Enter the OTP and Verify the Authentication.
Step 9) After Authentication, complete beneficiary details will be displayed on the screen.
Step 10 ) Capture the live Photo from the Laptop webcam (or) through the Chrome browser on a mobile phone (same process). After capturing it, you are taken to another page. Enter your mobile number. You will get OTP. Just verify by clicking on it.  Enter additional information that is shown on the screen. Click on the "Submit" button.
Step 11) Then, your Aarogyasri Ekyc Verification is successfully verified.

Watch on Youtube
Add Member in Aarogyasri Card https://youtu.be/sz3RKz9OPq0
Aarogyasri e-KYC https://youtu.be/fsee7NgQRZY
Aarogyasri Digital Card Download https://youtu.be/PvMmIUPkjDA

Aarogyasri e-KYC in Mobile and Website in Telangana State