Tamil Nadu Free Sewing Machine Scheme 2024: For the welfare of women in the State, the Tamil Nadu State government has launched a new scheme. This scheme is known by the name Free Sewing Machine Scheme Tamilnadu 2024. This scheme has been launched in the State with the help of the Central government. The scheme is also termed Free Sewing Machine Scheme and Free Tailoring Machine Scheme. Names may be different, but it has the same purpose, and that is to make women grow.

The state government wants to empower State women by offering them self-employment. Employment will bring money, which ultimately brings confidence. The scheme will also encourage other women towards employment. This scheme is for only poor women of the State. Women with stitching skills will get the benefit of this scheme. They need sill proof to apply for this scheme.

Tamil Nadu Free Sewing Machine Scheme 2023


As someone once said, if a woman earns in the family, it is always guaranteed that the family will grow. This scheme will provide them with the opportunity to earn money. As we all know, the price of stitching clothes is high. So women will be able to earn money by stitching clothes. They can use these machines for this purpose. Money can be utilized to make households better. These will at least double the income of the family.

Free Sewing Machine Scheme Tamilnadu

Tamilnadu Free Sewing Machine Scheme provides an excellent opportunity for the State women to start their own businesses. As mentioned many times, under this scheme, women will get free sewing machines from the government. For this, they have to apply for this scheme. They can apply for this scheme by filling out the scheme application form. Applicants also have to attach documents with the application form.

In this article, we will provide you information about how you can apply for this Tamilnadu Free Sewing Scheme 2024. Who is eligible for this scheme? What is the Objective of This scheme What kind of documents does a person need to apply for this scheme? Where can you get the application form for this scheme? All these questions have been answered in this article. To know all about these answers, you have to read this article till the end.

Besides Tamil Nadu, this scheme has been launched in many States of our Country. Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Haryana, Chhattisgarh, and Karnataka are some States. This scheme is in its first phase, and after implementation in these selected States, it will be launched in the rest of the Country. To improve the condition and Stature of women in society government is launching various welfare schemes for women.

Our country needs to catch up in the boy: girl ratio. That is mainly because of the foeticide of a girl child. Many people in the country, primarily rural and poor people, still think of girls as a burden. Thus the conditions of women in terms of economically and socially could be better. To improve this condition and to make women more independent and confident State government is launching this scheme.


Tamilnadu Free Tailoring Machine Scheme 2024

This Scheme NameFree Tailoring Scheme/ Free Silai Machine / Free Sewing Machine
Scheme Inaugurated ByCentral & State government
Scheme BeneficiariesPoor Women of the State who have the skill
Benefit of SchemeFree tailoring/sewing Machine
Objective of SchemeTo make the socio-economic condition of women better,
How to ApplyOnline
This Article ContainsFree Sewing Machine Tamilnadu Application Form
Launched In year2023

The scheme will help women to earn money and run their livelihood. As this scheme is only meant for the skilled poor women, this will also encourage other women to learn skills. This will lead to more skilled women in the State and country. This will help in developing our country. Women are almost half the population of our country, and they are falling behind due to many social reasons. This is stopping our country to grow in our full potential. As women become more independent, it will lead to better growth in our country.

Under this scheme, women between the age group of 20 to 40 can apply for it. Once they fulfill the eligibility criteria, they can apply to this scheme. After applying for this scheme, authorities will check the application form and verify all the information and documents. After the verification, the free sewing machines will be distributed to the beneficiaries. The application process in this scheme is very simple and has been explained in the article below.

Free Silai Machine Scheme Tamilnadu Objective

1) The objective of this scheme is to help women grow in society.
2) Another objective is to make women more independent, confident, and empowered.
3) This scheme also aims to make society see women in a different light.
4) As seeing women grow, other women will come forward.
5) More women will start learning various skills.
6) The scheme aims to help women financially.

Eligibility Criteria 

1) This scheme is only for the permanent resident of Tamil Nadu.
2) The scheme is only for poor or economically weaker sections of families.
3) Women from EWS or BPL families are eligible for this scheme.
4) Those women who belong to a family with a monthly income less than Rs 12,000/- are eligible for this scheme.
5) Women must be at least 20 years of age and a maximum of 40 years of age to apply for this scheme.
6) This scheme is only for women with sewing skills.
7) Women working as labour can also apply to this scheme.

Documents Required

1) Women's Age Proof. 
2) Recent Passport Size Photograph of Applicant Women
3) Applicant Women's family Income Proof
4) Aadhar card of Applicant Women
5) Applicant Women Sewing Skill Certificate
6) Mobile/ Phone Number of Applicant
7) Applicant Signature
8) Widow Proof (if applicable)
9) Handicapped Certificate (if any)
10) Applicant Women Caste Certificate (if any)

Free Sewing Machine Scheme Tamilnadu 2024 Form pdf Online

1) Applicant women can apply for this scheme by filling out an application form.
2) Scheme application form is available online and can be downloaded from the official website.
3) To go to the Scheme's official website, click this link.
4) As you click on this link, you will enter the official website home page.
5) There, look for the option “Application Form for the Free Supply of Sewing Machines”.
6) Once you have found this option, click on it.
7) Then, you will get the option to download the application form pdf file.
8) After this, download and save the application form pdf.
9) You can also download the application form pdf directly from this link.
10) Then take the printout of the form.
11) After this, fill the form with every detail such as name, mobile number, age, address etc.
12) Then attach the documents mentioned in the form.
13) After this, attach your passport-size photo and put your signature or thumb mark on the form.
14) Then submit this form to your nearest office.

Tamil Nadu Free Sewing Machine Scheme 2024