Kasaragod District Police Stations Phone Numbers in Kerala State: Kasaragod district has 2 Tehsils. They are Hosdurg and Kasargod. The Division is further divided into Circle Offices headed by an Inspector. A Circle consists of police stations headed by an inspector or sub-inspector. The police department is committed to serving the citizens' needs by providing adequate and efficient services. 

Kasaragod district Police Stations Phone Numbers

Kasaragod District Police Stations Phone Numbers

The services offered online by the Kasaragod police department include the following – 

1) Passport status
2) eChallan status
3) Report a crime
4) Safety tips
5) Eve teasing complaints
6) Domestic Violence complaints
7) Dowry harassment complaints
8) Internet fraud
9) Property Fraud
10) Job fraud
11) Child protection
12) Women's protection
14) Missing person report
15)Traffic police help
16)Foreigners’ registration

We are Listed below Kasaragod District Police Stations Numbers in Kerala State.

Police Station Name Phone Numbers
Adhur Police Station 0496 2672233
Ambalathara Police Station 0496 2642040
Badiadukka Police Station 0495 2414002
Bedakom Police Station 0495 2304178
Bekal Police Station 0495 2371403
Chandera Police Station 0496 2547022
Cheemeni Police Station 0495 2462045
Chittarikal Police Station 0495 2482230
Hosdurg Police Station 0495 2482230
Kasaragod Police Station 0495 2482230

Kasaragod District Police Stations Phone Numbers in Kerala State