Madhya Pradesh Voter Card Apply Online and Offline Process: All Indian citizens at least 17 years old are given a voter ID card by the Election Commission of India. This is one of the most important forms of identification; you need it to vote in elections. The voter ID card is an important piece of paper that every country's citizen needs. Permanent citizens of India can vote for the government when they turn 17. The constitution of India says that every adult citizen has the right to vote in elections for any constitutional office in their area. Everyone in the country is required to have a voter id card. When a person turns 17, if they don't already have one, they can apply for a voter ID card.

Madhya Pradesh Voter Card Apply


Madhya Pradesh Voter Card Apply Online and Offline

The Election Commission of India ensures that every adult in India has an ID card that lets them vote. The department sends out notices now and then to let people know about it. You can exercise your constitutional right with a voter ID card, choosing the government. So, you need a voter ID, and you must use it. A lot of information about voter ID card in Madhya Pradesh is on this page.

In Madhya Pradesh, as in all other states, you need a voter ID card to vote in either a local or national election. People can only get a voter ID card if they apply for one. People can use their voter ID cards to vote in any election and as valid ID cards anywhere in India. This article explains how to get a new voter card in Madhya Pradesh, online and in person.

How to Apply Madhya Pradesh Voter ID Card Online

Since all national ID cards have been made digital, it is much easier to apply for a voter ID card online in Madhya Pradesh.
Here are the steps you can take to apply online:
1) Visit the official website of the National voter Service Portal (

Madhya Pradesh Voter ID Card Online

2)  Register on the website and sign in with your login credentials.

3) Select the option for "Form 6-Register as a New Elector/Voter", which is shown in the left corner.

Madhya Pradesh Voter ID Card Online

4)  It Opens another page where all Forms will be seen on the screen. Just click on Form 6

Madhya Pradesh Form6

5) The Application will open. You need to fill in all the required details such as state Madhya Pradesh, assembly, district, personal details, Date of Birth, Present Ordinary Residence, Declaration etc.

6) Upload the required documents and submit the form.

7) After submitting the application Reference number will be generated, which can be used to track the application.

8) A Booth Level Officer (BLO) will visit to verify the information provided in the application after it has been processed.

9) After the details have been confirmed, the voter ID card will be sent to the address listed on the application form.

How to Apply Madhya Pradesh Voter ID Card Offline

Even though the country is now digital, only some have access to the internet or even the most basic skills to fill out an application online. Even if they have the skills, some people prefer to apply in person, which takes longer. People in these groups can still get a voter ID card in the state by going to their municipal election office and filling out a hard copy.
You can apply for a voter ID in Madhya Pradesh by mail by following the steps below:
1) You can get the application form and the other forms on the list from an electoral office near you. Form 6 (Application for insertion of name in electoral roll), Form 7 (Application for deletion of an eligible voter's name from the electoral roll), Form 8 (Application for correction of details in voter ID card), and Form 8A (Application for transposition of an eligible voter's name in the electoral roll) are the election ID card-related forms. Form 6 must be filled out if you are a new applicant. You must also send in the necessary KYC documents, such as proof of who you are, how old you are, and where you live. You can send copies of your passport, driver's licence, Aadhar card, 
Ration Card, rental/lease agreements, latest utility bills, or LIC Policy paper, among other things.
2) Please remember to send in information about people in your family who already have voter ID cards. This can help speed up the process for sure.
3) Go to the Electoral Registration Office closest to you to turn in the documents. After verification, the ERO will send the Booth Level Officers (BLOs) to your home to ensure that all the information you gave them is correct. The Election Commission of India (ECI) makes regular trips to Designated Photographic Locations (DPLs) to provide voter IDs to everyone on the list (DPIs). Such drives are often talked about in the media.

Madhya Pradesh Voter Card Apply Online and Offline