Cybercrime Complaint Status Check Online in India: Every day, there are more and more cybercrime cases. Every day, tens of thousands of cases are reported. People used to have to go to a branch to file a complaint about cybercrime, but those days were over. You may also look at your application Status on the portal. The Government of India has launched a cybercrime portal where victims of cybercrime can file a complaint against the assailant and raise their voices.

Cybercrime Complaint Status Check Online

Cybercrime Complaint Status Check Online

The portal aims to get cybercrime victims to report it online.

The portal handles complaints about Child Pornography (CP), Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM), or sexually explicit content like Rape/Gang Rape (CP/RGR). The site also keeps track of complaints about mobile crimes, social media crimes, financial frauds, ransomware, hacking, cryptocurrency crimes, and other types of cyber trafficking.


Information Required to File a Complaint

One can report anonymously or by giving their Name, State, and Mobile Number.

Steps to check the status of a cybercrime complaint online

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to check the status of an online cybercrime complaint:

1) Open the Official Website:

status of a cybercrime complaint online

2) After logging in, click "TRACK YOUR COMPLAINT."
3) Enter Acknowledgement No. * Click on "Get OTP," and you will get your registered mobile number OTP. Enter the OTP and click on the "submit" button.
4) You can now monitor the progress of your complaint online.

Cybercrime Complaint Status Check Online in India