Steps to Check Upadi Hami KaruvuPani Work Days
1) Visit the Official Website: Click on your state (Telangana / Andhra Pradesh State). I am from Telangana so I am clicking on state Telangana
3) It redirects to another page there left corner you will find all the districts of Telangana state.
4) Click on your District. It redirects to the District page there in the left corner you will find the blocks (mandals)
5) Click on your Block. It redirects to the Block page there in the left corner you will find the Panchayats.
6) Click on your Panchayats. It redirects to the Panchayats page. Scroll down a little bit There you will find the "R2. Demand, Allocation & Musteroll" Section. In the section click on "Alert on Attendance".
7) It redirects to Another page where you will see the list of names. Just check your name and see the no.of days you have worked and the remaining days you should work.
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Thats all Friends :)