How to Apply for a Birth Certificate Online in Uttarakhand State: Birth certificate is one of the most important certificates for a child in India as this is their first official certificate of existence on this planet. As this will help him/her to take the benefit from many services provided by the Indian government. Also, now most of the hospitals take care of these things, but if they don't just do it by yourself. The certificate works as proof of your age and the date of Birth. The Birth Certificate works as the right to vote, admission to schools and to the Government service.
The Birth Certificate works as claiming the right to marry at the legally permissible age, settlement of inheritance and property rights, and obtaining Government-issued identity documents like a driving license or passport.
Here in our article, How to Get Birth Certificate in Uttarakhand we will tell you the whole procedure of this birth certificate in Uttarakhand. This will help the children in future when they need any proof of themselves.

Eligibility Criteria for a Birth Certificate in Uttarakhand

You must be a resident of Uttarakhand state.

Required Documents

  1. Birth certificate of the hospital where the child is born
  2. Parent`s identity proof (for verification)
  3. Parent`s address proof

How to Apply for a Birth Certificate in Uttarakhand State

1) You Must be Visit the Official Website:

Birth Certificate in Uttarakhand State

2) If you are not registered already with the portal then register yourself, click HERE for Procedure to Register on the Government of Uttarkhand official portal

3) Registered users click on the Login menu which will take them to the login page as shown below

4) On successful login choose the appropriate service, choose Birth Certificate in this case

5) Fill Correct details in the form Upload all necessary documents (Make sure you have a scanned copy of all the required documents) and then submit.

6) The concerned authority will issue the Birth Certificate within 7 working days from the date of application.

How to Apply for a Birth Certificate Online in Uttarakhand State