If you don't have internet banking, don't panic. You can visit your ICICI home branch directly and complete the transfer application. Before filling out the transfer application, you should know the desired branch IFSC and Branch Code because, in the application, you should mention and submit it to the concerned person.
Here, I am showing steps to Transfer ICICI Bank From One Branch to another online. You can transfer your account from the ICICI Bank website or the IMobile Pay Android app. In this article, I am showing the IMobile Pay by ICICI Bank App.
Transfer ICICI Bank Account To Another Branch Online
1) Login into the app (Enter 4 Digit Login Pin (or) Unlock with Fingerprint) (Below is a screenshot)
2) After entering the pin, it Opens the account dashboard. On the bottom right side, you will find the service icon. Just click on that.
3)After clicking on the services tab. It will open the services page. There, you will find the "Transfer Your Account" button. Click on it.
4) After clicking on the "Transfer Your Account" tab, another page will open. There, we can see our account number. Once we check if it's correct, we just click on the Yes button.
5) After clicking on the Yes button, another page will open. There, it will ask, "Select state," "Enter City," and "Select Branch." You need to fill out the details for the desired branch. Then, click on the "Submit" button.That's all.... :)