Block Unknown Phone Numbers linked to your Aadhar Card Online: Nowadays, many smartphone users use more than 2 mobile numbers, and using that mobile number will default links with our Aadhar card. In some cases, without knowing, some people will use our aadhaar card as proof to take their mobile number. This will make an issue if anything happens with that phone number. That will be a problem for us. Many people don't know how to check "How many phone numbers are linked with your Aadhaar card" and "How to block an unknown phone number linked to your Aadhaar card." Don't be panic. This article completely explains how many mobile numbers are linked with your Aadhaar and how to block unknown numbers online.

Block Unknown Phone Numbers linked to your Aadhar Card Online

The Telecom dept has provided online services to check complete details online. For this, they started the website (

Steps to Block Unknown Phone Numbers linked to your Aadhar Card Online

1) Visit the TAF COP Consumer Portal Official Website:
(Below is a Screenshot)

TAF COP Consumer Portal

2) Enter your mobile number in the field and click "Request OTP." After Clicking on it, it will open another page. There, you need to submit the OTP you received for the phone.
3) After entering the OTP, click on the validate button. It will redirect you to another page. A dashboard will appear that shows all the mobile numbers you have linked with your Aadhar card. 
4) You can check the mobile numbers linked to your Aadhaar card. If an unknown number appears on your Aadhaar card, mark it, click "This is not my number," and submit your report. 

Also, we have provided a video below. 

Watch on Youtube
Block Unknown Phone Numbers linked to your Aadhar Card

That's  ALL Folks :)