8 Beauty tips for fairness: Home Remedies: Here we have provided the 8 Beauty tips for fairness. These are natural tips you can use in Home it will not give any side effects to your skin.

Beauty tips for fairness

Beauty tips for fairness

  1. Make a fine paste of grinded almonds and rose water. A regular application of this paste on the face and neck will bring natural fairness.
  2. Make a paste of cucumber with coconut water. Apply this paste regularly to relive your skin as well as to bring a glowing complexion.
  3. Apply the turmeric powder and sandalwood paste daily to get improving color complexion.
  4. Apply grated white radish or its juice for a fairer complexion.
  5. Cut the lime in slices and rub on the face slowly 2 - 3 times. Leave for about 5 minutes, then wash with cool water. Repeat 3-4 times a week.
  6. Use aloe vera gel as a shampoo to wash your face. Aloe vera gel is a natural cleanser and is also rich in nutrients. which leads the way to fair skin.
  7. For a fairer complexion make a paste by grinding mint leaves in water. Apply on the face and neck for 20 minutes and then wash with water.
  8. Apply a mixture of equal amounts of lemon and cucumber juice on the face and whole body. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash off. If your skin is dry, use honey and lemon juice.