Rajanna Sircilla district Police Stations Phone Numbers in Telangana State:Rajanna Sircilla districthas two revenue divisions. Sircilla and Vemulawada are sub-divided into 13 mandals. The Revenue Division is further divided into Circle Offices, which is headed by an Inspector. A Circle consists of police stations headed by an inspector or sub-inspector. The police department is committed to serving the needs of the citizens by providing them effective and efficient services. Here we are Listed belowRajanna Sircilladistrict Police Station's Numbersandcell phone numbers.

From registering complaints to knowing your case status, all this and much more can be done with just a few clicks.

Rajanna Sircilla district Police Stations Phone Numbers

Rajanna Sircilla District Police Stations Phone Numbers

The services offered online by the Telangana State police departmentinclude –

1)Passport status
2)eChallan status
3)Report a crime
4)Safety tips
5) Eve's teasing complaints
6)Domestic Violence complaints
7)Dowry harassment complaints
8)Internet fraud
9)Property frauds
10)Job frauds
11)Child protection
12) Women's protection
13)Missing persons report
14)Traffic police help
15)Foreigners’ registration

DesignationName of the JurisdictionMobile NumberEmail
Superintendent of PoliceRajanna Sircilla District8332831100sp@rsla.tspolice.gov.in
Sdpo(DSP)Sdpo Rajanna Sircilla District9440795155sdporsla@rsla.tspolice.gov.in
Sdpo(DSP)Sdpo Vemulawadasdpovmd@rsla.tspolice.gov.in
Inspector of PoliceSircilla town ps9440795163shorslat@rsla.tspolice.gov.in
Inspector of PoliceSircilla rural circle9440795154cirslar@rsla.tspolice.gov.in
Sub-Inspector of PoliceThangalapalli ps9059470888shotgpl@rsla.telangana.gov.in
Sub-Inspector of PoliceEllanthakunta ps9440795173shoelkt@rsla.telangana.gov.in
Sub-Inspector of PoliceMustabad ps9440795129shomstb@rsla.telangana.gov.in
Inspector of PoliceYellareddypet Circle9704869022ciypet@rsla.telangana.gov.in
Sub-Inspector of PoliceYellareddypet ps9440795285shoypet@rsla.telangana.gov.in
Sub-Inspector of PoliceGambiraopet ps9440795282shogpet@rsla.telangana.gov.in
Sub-Inspector of PoliceVeernapalli ps9490242100shovnpl@rsla.telangana.gov.in
Inspector of PoliceVemulawada town ps8106060405shovmd@rsla.telangana.gov.in
Inspector of PoliceVemulawada rural circle9440795164civwdr@rsla.telangana.gov.in
Sub-Inspector of PoliceVemulawada rural ps9441374569shovwdr@rsla.telangana.gov.in
Sub-Inspector of PoliceBoinpally ps9440900976shobpl@rsla.telangana.gov.in
Inspector of PoliceChandurthi circle9676323632cicdrt@rsla.telangana.gov.in
Sub-Inspector of PoliceChandurthi ps9440795170shocdrt@rsla.telangana.gov.in
Sub-Inspector of PoliceKonaraopet ps9440795281shokpet@rsla.telangana.gov.in
Sub-Inspector of PoliceRudrangi ps9490562546shordrg@rsla.telangana.gov.in

Rajanna Sircilla District Police Stations Phone Numbers