Telangana Kanti Velugu Scheme: KCR launched this Kanti Velugu scheme on 15/08/2018. The Telangana government has decided to check eye testing for the Telangana people and provide glasses for them under the name of "Kanti Velugu".

Telangana Kanti Velugu Scheme

Telangana Kanti Velugu Scheme

The main goal of this scheme is to check eye screening for a citizen of Telangana state. Provides spectacles for them and surgeries free of cost. Educate people on the prevention of disabling severe eye diseases.

A list of initial activities is being done at the District level

1). In the rural areas, camps will be held PHC-wise, and in the GHMC area & other urban areas, camps will be held ward will wise.

2). Each camp team will have a Medical Officer, an Optometrist and 6-8 support staff like ANMs, Supervisors & ASHAs. Each team will be given a full-time vehicle.

3). About 250 persons in rural areas and 300 persons in urban areas are expected to be screened in a day in one camp, of which about 40% will require treatment.

4). Camp schedules (village wise dates of visits) and names of MO & Optometrist camp are prepared.

5). Each district will have a buffer team of 4-6 Medical Officers and Optometrists to be used in case of contingency.

6). 799 teams are formed with 940 Medical Officers, 1000 Optometrists and about 8000 supporting staff. All staff have been trained.

7) While deputing staff to the camps, it is ensured that every PHC has at least 1 MO and the routine functioning of PHCs is not affected.

The following checkups & services will be provided at the camps:

i. Preliminary eye examination (Unaided Visual Acuity) with the help of an eye chart (Snellen’s).

ii. Detailed eye examination (Objective Refraction & Subjective Refraction)

iii. Distribution of medicines for eye problems & Spectacles.

iv. Referring cases to identified hospitals for follow-up treatment & surgeries.

Telangana Kanti Velugu Scheme 2023