Uttara Kannada district Police Stations Phone Numbers in Karnataka State: Uttara Kannada district has 12 Sub Division (Ankola, Bhatkal, Dandeli, Haliyal, Honnavar, Joida, Karwar, Kumta, Mundgod, Siddapur, Sirsi, Yellapur ) Police Officer. The Revenue Division is further divided into Circle Offices which is headed by an Inspector. A Circle consists of police stations headed by an inspector or sub-inspector. The police department is committed a serving the needs of the citizens by providing them effective and efficient services. Here we are Listed below Uttara Kannada District Police Stations Numbers and cell phone numbers.

From registering complaints to knowing your case status, all this and much more can be done with just a few clicks.

The services offered online by Uttara Kannada police department include –

Uttara Kannada district Police Stations Phone Numbers

1)Passport status
2)eChallan status
3)Report a crime
4)Safety tips
5)Eve teasing complaints
6)Domestic Violence complaints
7)Dowry harassment complaints
8)Internet frauds
9)Property frauds
10)Job frauds
11)Child protection
12)Women protection
14)Missing persons report
15)Traffic police help
16)Foreigners’ registration

Uttara Kannada district Police Stations Phone Numbers

Uttara Kannada district Police Stations Phone Numbers

Sl. Designation STD Office
1 S.P.Karwar 08382 226233
2 Addl.S.P Karwar 08382 227536
3 AAO DPO Karwar 08382 226307
4 R.P.I. MTO Karwar 08382 225318
5 R.P.I. DAR Karwar 08382 225318
6 PI, Wireless Karwar 08382 226550
7 DySP DCRB 08382 223501
8 PI DCRB, PSI, DCRB Karwar 08382 223501
9 PSI Dsau Karwar
10 PI DSB Karwar 08382 220754
11 PI DCIB Karwar 08382 226893
12 PSI FPU Karwar 08382
13 PI DCB Karwar 08382 222522
14 Computer Centre 08382 223787


Sl. Designation STD Office
1 DSP Karwar 08382 226416
2 CPI Karwar 08382 225337
3 CPI Kadra 08382 256200
4 P.I.Ankola 08388 230433
5 PSI Karwar Town L&O 08382 — 226333

6 PSI Karwar Town L&O iii 08382 226333
7 PSI Crime Karwar 08382 226333
8 PSI Karwar Rural 08382 222443
9 PSI Traffic Karwar   PSI Traffic Kwr II 08382 —

10 PSI Kadra PS 08382 256592
11 PSI Mallapur 08382 254812
12 PSI Chittakula 08382 265733
13 PSI Ankola P S-I   PSI Ankola P S-II 08388 230333


Sl. Designation Sth Office
1 DySP Bhatkal 08385 226413
2 CPI Bhatkal 08385 226813
3 CPI Honnavar 08387 221287
4 CPI Kumta 08386 220233
5 PSI Bkl.Twn.L&O I 08385 226333
6 PSI Bkl.Twn.L&O II 08385 226333
7 PSI Bkl.Twn Crm. 08385 226333
8 PSI Bkl.Rl. L&O 08385 227333
9 PSI Bkl.Rl. Crm. 08385 227333

PSI Murdeshwar L&O

08385 268896
11 PSI Murdeshwar crm 08385 268896
12 PSI Honnavar L&O 08387 220248
13 PSI Honnavar Crm. 08387
14 PSI Manki L & O 08387 257886
15 PSI Manki Crime 08387 257886
16 PSI Kumta L & O 08386 222333
17 PSI KUMTA CRIME 08386 222333
18 PSI Gokarna PS 08386 256133
19 BHATKAL PRS 08385 225400
20 Traffic Aid Hiregutti 08386 279993


Sl. Designation STD Office
1 DSP Sirsi 08384 226424
2 CPI Sirsi 08384 226260
3 P.I Yellapur 08419 261133
4 P I Siddapur 08389 230283
5 P.I Mundgod 08301 222211
6 PSI Sirsi Tn. L & O 08384 226333
7 PSI Sirsi Tn. crm 08384 226333
8 PSI Sirsi Rl. L & O 08384 236233
9 PSI Sirsi Rl. Crime 08384 236233
10 PSI Sirsi N.M L & O 08384 236330
11 PSI Sirsi N.M Crm 08384 236330
12 PSI Banavasi L& O 08384 264210
13 PSI Banavasi Crm. 08384 264210
14 PSI Yellapur P.S I, PSI Yellapur II 08419 261133
15 PSI Siddapur P.S 08389 230283
16 PSI Mundgod 08301 222211
17 PSI DSB Tattihalli 08301 245101
18 SIRSI PRS 08384 228033


Sl. Designation STD Office
1 DSP Dandeli 08284 231595
2 CPI Dandeli 08284 231363
3 CPI Haliyal 08284 220333
4 CPI Joida 08383 282626
5 PSI Dandeli Tn. L & O 08284 231333
6 PSI Dandeli Tn. Crm 08284 231333
7 PSI Dandeli Rl. 08284 230363
8 PSI Haliyal P.S 08284 220133
9 PSI Ambika Nagar 08284 258633
10 PSI Joida 08383 282733
11 PSI Ramanagar 08383 248133

Uttara Kannada district Police Stations Phone Numbers