How to Apply Duplicate Voter card in Gujarat State:  Your voter card is lost? Don't worry. We are providing the information to get duplicate voter Cards in Gujarat state. We will update the information we have known on "How to apply for a Duplicate voter card in Gujarat state". The duplicate voter card is given to the person when their original copy is lost, theft or destroyed by some cause. To apply for the Duplicate Voter Card, you should apply the offline method only. Need to take Form No 002, given by the Gujarat state's chief electoral officer. 

Duplicate Voter Id Card in Gujarat

Duplicate Voter Id Card in Gujarat

* Don't worry if your voter id card has been stolen, misplaced, or worn out; you can apply for a new one.
* Go to this link. Click here.
* Download this form002 and take the printout.
* Submit all the details carefully.
Submit it to the electoral office. After submitting, you will get a reference number which can be used to track your status
* Verification will be done, and once it's completed, you can collect your duplicate Voter Id from the electoral office.

Duplicate Voter Card in Gujarat State