CM Startup Scheme in Himachal Pradesh: Himachal Pradesh Government has launched a new scheme for the new industrial startup seeking the exempt of new units from inspection for up to 3 years. This Startup scheme has been launched on 15th December 2016 by CM of Himachal Pradesh (HP), Virbhadra Singh.

startup scheme will provide liberal and financial assistance of up to Rs. 30 Lakh per incubator organization per year up to a period of three years. Incubator organization designed to promote a growth of start–up units and having physical space, coaching and mentor facilities will be provided this assistance. Also check here : New Voter card in Himachal Pradesh

This New Startups will not only develop the state but will also provide employment opportunities to the unemployed people in Himachal Pradesh.

Main Benefits of CM Startup Scheme

Aims and Objectives

i. Self-employment/ employment generation and income generation.
ii. To promote new ideas/ products and processes suitable for commercialization through startups.
iii. Set up Incubators/Incubation Centers in the state.
iv. Handhold new enterprises and entrepreneurs.
v. Help entrepreneurs gain knowledge, expertise and avail assistance as provided under various schemes being implemented by State/Central Govt./Other institutions.
vi. Facilitate and promote innovation
vii. Facilitate startups and Innovation Projects
viii. To facilitate creation of incubation space
ix. Facilitate adequate investment to startups
x. Facilitate venture capital funding
xi. Promote Human Capital
xii. To promote Industrial development in the State.

Key focus area of the Scheme will be as follows:-

a) Technology driven Innovation in any sector
b) Rural infrastructure and facilities, crafts, arts, water and sanitation, renewable energy, healthcare, etc.
c) Clean tech
d) Agriculture, Horticulture and the related areas
e) Food Processing
f) Retail
g) Tourism and Hospitality
h) Mobile, IT and ITes including hardware
i) Biotechnology

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Application Form :ClickHere