How to Check Your Name in PMAY Beneficiary List: Eligible people  who are applied for Pradhan Mantri Yojana Scheme in online application form.But they dont have correct status that name is added in Beneficiaries list or not.Here is the simple step to check the status of Pradhan Mantri Yojana Scheme.

How to Check Your Name in PMAY Beneficiary List

Here is the Official Url to check the status of  Pradhan Mantri Yojana (

How to Check Your Name in PMAY Beneficiary List

Enter  the 3 words of your name in box and search it.Then it will displayed all the names start with 3 words. Now you can verify your existence in the list by matching your name against your father’s name, gender, religion, city or state name. If it not listed in the benficary list.You need to register again  online through applicaton form.

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